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  Note: You can get to Backstage view learn microsoft office access 2010 free any time by clicking the File tab. Create a table starting in Design view In Design view, you first create the new table's structure. Note: In a web database, only the Table command is available in the Tables продолжить чтение. Description : Download free Microsoft access, course tutorial, This document, Level 2, has been developed to show you how to use multiple tables in Access.  

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Here are some basic database tasks that you can do to help you learn how to use Microsoft Access What здесь Access? Relational databases in Access. When you open Access. Find and apply a template. Create a database from scratch. Open an existing Access database. Get started using your new database. Add a table.

Paste data from another source into an Access table. Import or link to data from another source. Next steps. Import data from a spreadsheet or other program. Import an Excel worksheet into Access. Import an Excel worksheet as a table in a new database. Use the Table Analyzer Wizard to organize your data.

Work with data from other programs. Use an earlier-version database in several versions of Access. Use an Access database file in several versions of Access. Step 1: Make accrss copy of the existing database, and save it in a new format. Step 2: Split the copy database, and use the original file as the back-end database.

Learn microsoft office access 2010 free 3: Connect the new front-end to the original database. Access is a database application design and deployment tool that you can use to keep track of learn microsoft office access 2010 free information.

You can keep your data on your computer, or you can publish to the Web — so others can use your database with a web officce. Many people start using Access when the program that they are using to keep track of something gradually becomes less learj for the task. For example, suppose you are vree event planner, and you want to keep track of all the details that you need to manage to make your events successful.

If you use a word processor or как сообщается здесь program to do this, you can easily run into trouble with duplicate and inconsistent data. You can use calendaring software, but tracking financial information in a calendar isn't a good fit. Sometimes you offie a relational database to track such information — a storehouse of data that has been separated into smaller collections of data called tables to eliminate redundancy, and then related acceas based on common bits of information called fields.

For example, an event planning relational database might contain learn microsoft office access 2010 free microsofr with customer information, a table with vendor information, 210 a table with event information. The table with event information might have a field to relate it to the customer table, and a field to relate it to the vendor table.

That way, for example, if a vendor's phone number changed, the information could be changed once in the vendor table, instead of in every event that involved ofcice vendor. Access is a tool that you can use to quickly and easily develop relational database applications that help you manage information. You can create a database to help читать статью keep track of just about any kind of information, such as inventory, professional contacts, or business processes.

In fact, Access comes with templates that you can use right away to track a variety of information, making things easy even for a beginner. When you start Access accesss, you see the Microsoft Office Backstage view, where you can get information about the current database, create a new database, micdosoft an existing database, and view featured content from Office.

Backstage view also contains many other commands that you can use to adjust, maintain, or officw your databases. Commands in Перейти view generally apply to entire databases, not to objects inside of a database. Note: You can get to Backstage view at any time by clicking the File tab. Access provides you with a wide variety of templates that you can use to speed up your database creation process.

A template is a ready-to-use database that contains all of the tables, queries, forms, and reports needed for performing a ocfice task. For example, there are templates that can be used to track issues, manage learn microsoft office access 2010 free, or keep a record of expenses. Some templates contain a few sample learn microsoft office access 2010 free to help demonstrate their use. Template databases can be used as is, or office can customize them to better fit your needs.

To use a template that you already have installed, click My Accewsand then select the template that you want. To find a template on Office. You can also search for templates on Office. In the Search Office. Optionally, click the folder icon next to the File Name box to browse to a location where you want to create the database. If you don't indicate a specific location, Access creates the database in the default location that is displayed below the File Name box.

If you want a more thorough introduction to the concepts behind using Access to create a database, see the article Database accfss learn microsoft office access 2010 free. If none of the templates fits your needs, or if you have learn microsoft office access 2010 free in another program that you want to use in Access, you may decide that it is better to create a database from scratch.

In Accessyou have a choice: a standard desktop database, or a web database. For more information about web databases, see the article Build a database to ofifce on the Web. Important: Tree choice that you make here will determine what features are available in the database. Desktop databases cannot learn microsoft office access 2010 free published to the Web, and web databases do not support some desktop features, such as totals queries. To change the location in which you create the file, click Browse next to the File Name box, browse to and select the new location, and then click OK.

Access puts the cursor in the first empty cell in the Click to Add 200 of the new table. To add data, begin typing — or you can paste data from another source, as kearn in the section Paste data from qccess source into an Access tablelater in this article. Entering learn microsoft office access 2010 free in Datasheet view is designed to be kffice similar to entering data in an Excel worksheet.

The main restriction is that data must be entered in contiguous rows and columns, starting at the upper-left corner of the officd. You should not try to format your data by including blank rows or columns as you might do in an Excel worksheet, because doing so will waste space in your table.

The table merely contains your data. All visual presentation of that data will be done in the forms and reports that you design later. The table structure is created while you enter data. Any time that learn microsoft office access 2010 free add a new column to the datasheet, a new field is defined in the table. Access sets the data type of the field based on the type of data that you enter. If you later attempt to enter a non-date value such as a name or a phone number in that field, Access displays a message informing you that the value does not match the data type of the column.

When possible, you should plan your table so that each column contains the same type of data, whether it is text, dates, numbers, or some other type. This makes it much easier to build queries, forms, learn microsoft office access 2010 free reports that select just the data that you want. If you do not want to enter data yet, click Close. Note: Access will delete Lrarn if you close it without saving. Tip: To quickly open one of the last several databases that you had open, on microoft File tab, click Recentand then accesss the file name.

Click a shortcut in the Open dialog box — or, microsift the Look in box, click the drive or folder that contains the database that you want. To open the database for shared access in a multiuser accses, so that both you and other users can both read and write to the database at the same time, click Open. To open the database for read-only access, so that you can view it but microsotf edit it, click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open Read-Only.

To open the database for exclusive access, so that no one else can open it while you have it open, click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open Exclusive. To open the database for read-only access, click the arrow next microoft the Open button, and then click Open Exclusive Read-Only Other users can still open the database, but they only have read-only access. In the list of drives, right-click the drive that you think might contain the database, and then click Search.

If the database is found, open it by double-clicking it in the Search Results dialog box. Because the search was initiated from the Open dialog box, micfosoft must click Cancel in that dialog box before the database will open. Access automatically creates a new Access database in the same folder as the data file, and adds links to each table in the external database. Depending on the template that mcrosoft used, you might need to do one or more offive the following to get started with the new database:.

If Access displays a Login dialog box with an empty list of users, use the following procedure to get started:. If Access displays an empty datasheet, you can begin typing data directly into that datasheet, or click other buttons and tabs to explore learn microsoft office access 2010 free database. If Access displays a Getting Started page, you can click links on that page to learn more about the database, or click other buttons and tabs to explore the database.

If Access displays a Security Warning message in the message bar, and you trust the source fred the template, click Enable Content. If the database requires a login, you will need learn microsoft office access 2010 free log in again. Add a table and then input data into the table. Import data from other sources, creating new tables in the process. Learn microsoft office access 2010 free can add a new table to an existing database by using the tools in ofdice Tables group on the Create tab.

Note: In a web database, only the Table command is available in the Tables group. Regardless of which view you start in, you can always switch to the other view by using the view buttons on the status bar of the Access window. Create a learn microsoft office access 2010 free table in Datasheet view In Datasheet view, you can enter data immediately, and learn microsoft office access 2010 free Access build the table structure behind the scenes.

Field names are assigned numerically Field1, Field2, and so onand Access sets the field data type, based on the type of data that you enter. On the Create tab, frew the Tables group, click Table.

Access leanr the table, and then places the cursor in the first empty cell in the Click to Add column. To add data, begin typing in the first empty cell — or you can paste data from another source, as described later in this article. Tip: Give a meaningful name to each приведу ссылку, so that you can tell what it contains without having to look at the data.



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